How it works
kettlebells lined up on floor of daventry personal trainer gym



Firstly, we need to see exactly where you are at right now and what goals you

are looking to achieve.

We book a 30 minute call where we dig deep and discuss what your struggles have been in the past, what you want to achieve and how we are going to make it happen when we start

working together. 

Interested? This is what you get when you sign up.

Custom Training Programme

I personally create workouts designed specifically for you and where you are right now. They are in line with your fitness

goals to ensure you get the best results. Every exercise comes with a demo to ensure you are performing each one correctly with good form. Whether you prefer working out at the gym or at home, your programme will be designed to suit you.

In Person Coaching Session

I offer packages that include the option to have in person one-to-one coaching (depending on availability) and this will be held at Imperial Bodies Gym in Daventry. 

Personal Nutrition Targets, Education and On Going Guidance

No more wondering if you are on the right track. I give you nutrition targets and help you discover the best foods to eat to get results, while still enjoying the foods you love.

Daily habits are the foundation for improving both your physical and mental health. From self care (helping us to feel calmer and less stressed) to daily movement (walking, taking the stairs, parking further away from the shops). Implementing these daily habits will have a positive impact on you and your goals.  

Receive ongoing feedback on how to make small changes to ensure you are getting the best results possible.

Weekly Lessons and Education

Once you sign up, over 12 weeks you will receive a message each week with one key lesson on transforming your health, habits and your body.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed with too much information all at once, my weekly lessons will simplify everything so you have a clear idea of what you should be doing, when and why.

You will have access to my education library which includes guides and tips to ensure you stay on track. 

Private Client-Only Community

Community increases your chance of success. My community of midlife women inspire me and each other. 

You will have direct access to me to answer questions you may have, to give encouragement and to support you.

You will also have support from other women on the same journey as you. Women going through exactly the same struggles as you. With our support, you will never feel like you are doing this on your own. 

Weekly Check Ins

You will check in with me once a week, reflecting on your progress and I will be making adjustments (if needed) and provide in depth feedback with advice and suggestions to help you make improvements. 

Instead of feeling overwhelmed with too much information all at once, my weekly lessons will simplify everything so you have a clear idea of what you should be doing, when and why.

You will have access to my education library which includes guides and tips to ensure you stay on track. 

Monthly Catch Up Calls

Each month you will have a catch up call with me where we will go over how things are going and what's coming up that may affect your plan.

Goals will be et to give you clear direction so you can focus on the month ahead.

Client Group Meet Ups

These will range from a group coaching session at Imperial Bodies Gym to walks and coffee catch ups. A great way to socialise with the TWDFit Community

If you're reading this and are thinking 'THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEED RIGHT NOW' 

then click the button below to apply.

What happens after you apply?

  1. I will email you with more information on my coaching and if you want to jump on a call, I will share all the details about my coaching packages with all the relevant info you will need.
  2. You then choose the package that suits you right now.
  3. You pay and get signed up and complete my client questionnaire form.
  4. We have another, more in depth call so I can create a programme to suit you and your goals.
  5. We get started and work hard to ensure you look and feel amazing in midlife!